Graduate Marine Engineering
Graduate Marine Engineering
This DGS approved course will enable the cadets to take up jobs on board ships as Marine Engineers.
Graduate Marine Engineering (GME) Course is a one year Pre-Sea Training leading to Class IV Marine Engineer Officer Certificate of competency, awarded by the Ministry of Shipping Government of India, after six months of sea service, enabling the cadets to become Marine Engineers on board Merchant Naval ships anywhere in the world. This course is strictly (Fully Residential)
Add a new dimension to your Engineering Career!
Why not choose the rewarding path of Marine Engineering to set your future on a course of excitement and achievement?
You are in the right place. Choose a profession that will reward you in many ways. Take up the Graduate Marine Engineers Programme to fast track your way to a rewarding career at SEA. Getting your dream job in Merchant Navy is a step away. Quickly take a look at the following criteria’s to know better.
For course details, entry standards and availability
Call +91 98940 07317 / +91 73391 32159

Entry Standards
(a) BE / B-Tech in Mechanical Engineering with minimum marks of 50% in final year.
(b) Candidate must have secured minimum of 50% marks in English language either in 10th or 12th or Degree examination.
These candidates are exempted from appearing in all subjects of part ‘A’ of both MEO Class – IV and MEO Class – II grade of examinations.
(a) A full time BE / B. Tech in all Mechanical Engineering Streams e.g. Mechanical and Automation, Mechanical and Electronics, Mechanical and Automobile et. However, the word, “Mechanical” should be first indicating that mechanical engineering is the core and the second subject is the elective.
(b) Candidate must have secured minimum of 50% marks in English language at 10th or 12th standard or in Degree Exam.
These candidates will be required to pass part ‘A’ subjects of both MEO class _ IV and MEO Class – II grade of examinations. These candidates may be considered for exemption from appearing in subject of Mathematics and Applied Mechanics.
(a) Candidates who have degree in all Naval Architecture streams e.g. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Naval Architecture and Ship building, etc. However, the word “Naval Architecture” should be first indicating that Naval Architecture is the core and the second subject is the elective.
(b) Candidates must have secured minimum of 50% marks in English language at10th or 12th or in Degree Exam.
These candidates will be required to pass Part ‘A’ subjects of both MEO Class – IV and MEO Class – II grade of examinations. These candidates may be considered for exemption from appearing in subject of Mathematics and Applied Mechanics.
The BE / B. Tech degree or any other higher degree such as 5 year integrated M.E. / M. Tech degree must have been obtained from AICTE approved institute or the IIT’s or from University Engineering Colleges (Colleges directly run by University).
A relaxation of 5% marks in English shall be granted to the candidates who are native of the Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar Islands and belong to Scheduled Tribes and who and both of whose parents were born in those islands and belong to the Scheduled Tribes of those islands.
The maximum age limit for candidates belonging to “Scheduled Caste” (SC) / “scheduled Tribe” (ST) Category shall be relaxed by 5years.
The maximum age limit for candidates belonging to Non-creamy layer of other Backward Classes (OBC) Category shall be relaxed by 3years
Duration: 12 Months (2 Semesters)
Frequency: 2 Batches every year – February and August
BST & STSDSD Course fee is not included in fee structure.
Candidate should have B.E. / B.Tech., in Mechanical Engineering or Naval Architecture with minimum 50% marks in final year. The candidate should have obtained at least 50 % in English either in 10th or 12th or Degree examination.
Maximum age should not exceed 28 years as on the date of commencement of course.
Physically fit and should meet the medical requirements as specified by DGS guidelines, eyesight 6/12 in each eye without visual aids. Maximum power permitted + 2.5. No colour blindness.
Graduate Marine Engineering – Career Path
1 year Pre Sea Training
Exempted from appearing in MEO CLASS IV PART A examination |
Six months duly documented sea service as assistant marine engineer officer in charge of an engineering watch
Completion of advanced safety training courses AFF, PSCRB, MFA and three months preparatory course (optional) to obtain marine engineering officer class iv certificate of competency – appear for MEO CL-IV PART ‘B’ MMD examination – obtain MEO CL-IV certificate of competency
12 months approved sea service as MEO CL-IV engineering officer in charge of an engineering watch
4 months training course – appear MMD examination MEO CL-II PART B – obtain CLASS II marine engineering officer certificate of competency ( DME to appear for PART A)
18 months approved sea service as MEO CL – II officer in charge of an engineering watch
2 months engineering management training course – obtain CLASS I marine engineering officer certificate of competency
Promoted to Chief Engineering Officer
FEE Structure
Course : Graduate Marine Engineering
Next Batch Commencing : August 2025
Fee Structure : Rs.3,19,500 (Including Hostel and Mess Charges)
Refund Rules
Graduate Marine Engineering (GME)
Terms of refund: In case a student, after completing the admission process and paying the 1st Semester / Instalment fee, decides to withdraw from the Institute, a part of the fee will be refunded. The amount refunded depends on the date of withdrawal by the student.
The refund policy is a follows:
Date of Withdrawal | Amount to be refunded |
On or before the date of commencement | The fee paid less Rs.20,000/- towards administrative Charges. |
On or after the date of commencement | Refund of Mess balance only |
Candidates will be permitted to withdraw based on written request only, duly signed by the candidate and his/her parent or guardian; as the case may be.
In respect of refund policy, the decision of the institute is final and binding on the student.
Refunds will be made only after 30 days of his/her leaving the institute and submitting request in writing.